Sometimes, when people decide to leave you for good,you have to let them, no matter how much you don't want them to, there are some things that are far beyond our control, even if you have the strength to fight for them, you have to accept the cold harsh truth - "The people you can't live without, Can live without you."
We have to be tough no matter how fragile and futile the situation becomes. We have to move on, even on bare feet on freezing ground.
What's important is that, we keep on hanging on, for the sake of the people who is looking up to us. Giving up is not in the list of our options, but rather finding a way instead making ourself miserable. Like losing one finger doesn't mean you can no longer use your hand.
It's all right to cry and still, it is the best way to lessen the weight carried by the heart. A child cries, a woman do cry, even a a man has the right to cry. But one question to ask yourself, is it worth shedding your tears? It is up to you to answer.
Yes, everyone has right to be happy, but we don't always get what we want. If we do, what else could we look upon?
That is why goals are set, to be reach, to strive hard for. 
Not everyone is given with the opportunity to be happy, to be loved, to be secured, to be themselves. So be grateful for atleast and for the best part, we know we are alive. We can make things right by making fresh start.
There is a wide world out there, full of colors, complexity, and experiences to learn. Never lock yourself on your losses, try to see what you can gain. Possibilities are endless for those who dream.
Forgetting easily is a gift. Letting go is a skill. Moving on, is a super power. Forgiving, is Life...
Like the cactus, they survive even in the smallest amount of water (Hope). No matter how arid and unkind the world becomes. It hangs on and patiently waiting for the rain to come.
You can rest, but you must never quit.